my mammaw [mom's mom] gave it to me when i was 3 years old.
mom said "it was funny. it was a lot bigger than you."
its a insanely cold, body pillow... named cold pillie.
it has the most strange and unique design:
the funny thing about cold pillie: you can ask any family member... cold pillie is always, always the first thing to be packed and unpacked. it goes EVERYWHERE. we have such a history. the pillow case is so paper thin and see through... with a few tiny holes. so the night before my parents moved me into college, mom emotionally gave me the secondary pillow case to give me a new start. plus she didn't think the original case could handle much more. so i just put the new case on top of the original. :)
so even though ive been in raleigh for almost 2 months... i still have bad nights. i don't go to bed early.. at all. usually my bed time is between 1am and 2am. same for my roomie, sac. anyways. when i finally get into my bed it takes me a little while to fall asleep. at that moment i immediately think of my parents. mom takes at least 30 minutes to go to sleep and then dad. takes one stroke of a back scratch and he is out like a light. thinking of them makes me miss them soooooo much. although i absolutely love raleigh, i still get sudden burst of homesickness late at night.
thats where my lovely pillow comes in. whenever i am need to see, feel, smell home... i immediately grab it.