so all day friday sam and i texted about what we should do that night. sam and i decided that just a night at the dining hall and watching a movie and hanging out in his dorm room sounded like a good, solid date.
7:00pm rolled around we hit up the nearest dinning hall. he had parsley potatoes and spaghetti while i had a turkey cheese on wheat and parsley potatoes. :)
happy, right? right!!
so we then put in training day. [i mean who cannot love some denzel?] well first off, not a fantastic movie. second, terrible language. so we got about half through it when we decided it was a bust. then sam put in iron man. i wasnt a huge fan of it. but sam wanted to watch it. so he put it in his dvd player. but as soon as he inserted the disc... we decided we just did feel like watching that one either. comedy. cures every movie lover's desire. sam had dumb and dumber. we started watching that. got about 30 minutes into and got restless.
sam: "wanna go to redbox and rent a movie we haven't seen."
me: "sounds perfect."
we get to harris teeter when sam decides he is in desperate need to grocery shop. we spend the next hour to hour and a half finding vic card deals. he was soooo excited about 2 for the price of 1 sunny d!! :) he's so cute. so anyway after shopping for sunny d, milk, pistachios, ranch, baby carrots and a container to put the ranch in... sam got a vic card because he was so impressed by the deals harristet had to offer him. haha. finally we hit up the redbox as we were leaving and got the movie obsessed.
headed home, right? wrong.
we then hit up some cookout. and then sam wanted to show me where he goes fishing all the time. it was too dark to go out on the pier and deck. so then we just got in his escape and kept trucking. the weather was absolutely perfect. warm with a hint of wind. windows rolled down even at 10pm, smiling because you have a orea milkshake in one hand and the most amazing guy on the other hand kind of weather. ya know, that kind of weather. :)
so we saw a development. i HAD to go in there. i was also trying to convince sam that living in a city for the first two years is a GOOD idea. :) dream big, eh?
we we found a house in this development...

today we went and took a picture of it. [hence the sunlight.]
we loved it. it now is an academic goal of ours. so anyways. we decided that we needed to get back and watch our newly rented movie before it got tooooo late.
obsessed. good, insanely suspenseful.
then sam and i split our ways... realizing that we are the most restless people ever.
we had fun, that is all that matters.