Monday, October 5, 2009

the one with my favorite.

so. i have this love. love for my most prized possession. its a strange, quite obsessive kind of love.

my mammaw [mom's mom] gave it to me when i was 3 years old.
mom said "it was funny. it was a lot bigger than you."

its a insanely cold, body pillow... named cold pillie.

it has the most strange and unique design:
the funny thing about cold pillie: you can ask any family member... cold pillie is always, always the first thing to be packed and unpacked. it goes EVERYWHERE. we have such a history. the pillow case is so paper thin and see through... with a few tiny holes. so the night before my parents moved me into college, mom emotionally gave me the secondary pillow case to give me a new start. plus she didn't think the original case could handle much more. so i just put the new case on top of the original. :)

so even though ive been in raleigh for almost 2 months... i still have bad nights. i don't go to bed early.. at all. usually my bed time is between 1am and 2am. same for my roomie, sac. anyways. when i finally get into my bed it takes me a little while to fall asleep. at that moment i immediately think of my parents. mom takes at least 30 minutes to go to sleep and then dad. takes one stroke of a back scratch and he is out like a light. thinking of them makes me miss them soooooo much. although i absolutely love raleigh, i still get sudden burst of homesickness late at night.

thats where my lovely pillow comes in. whenever i am need to see, feel, smell home... i immediately grab it.

i absolutely love it:




  2. :'-) Sweet tears!

    You should have blogged a picture of the original one!

    I still get a sudden burst of 'you need to come homesickness' ... All. THE. TIME!

    You're right that pillow has been everywhere you have ever been..Canada to the mid-western states......but I did refuse to let you take it to Europe...because I knew we might not ever get it back if you left it. First thing loaded in the car on vacation....has always....will always be...Cold pillie. Even Big Daddy is protective of it. I saw a small child in the ED the other night...holding a ragged stuffed animal....her mom was almost appologizing about it....I told her about you and your Cold Pillie....and how much comfort these items hold.

    Sweet blog... I love you!

  3. I know a certain girl who grew up in my house who took her *blankie* when she got married. You are not alone with *cold pillie*.

  4. You need to blog...and inspire me to start it back up/
