Let's take a stroll down memory lane, shall we?
So when I was fifteen my parents started talking to me about what kind of car I wanted for when I turned 16. All I knew is that I wanted a SUV. I kept leaning towards a Nissan Xterra -- I mentioned them every time we passed one on the road. & honestly, I really didn't care what car I got, but for some reason, I just really loved the Xterras.
One morning in November, my sophomore year of high school, my parents told me that were gonna meet up for lunch with one another, then run some errands and then one of them was going to come pick me up from school. Awesome. No big deal.
While I was waiting in the lobby of my high school, I saw this gorgeous Xterra pull up. It was the most perfect color and it was the newer model! I immediately called mama. "Oh my gosh, Mom. There is an Xterra in the car line at the high school that is the exact car I want. It's this dark beige color. Where are you? Are you close so you can see it?"
Without another word spoken on the phone, the window of that Xterra rolled down & there sat my parents just waving like crazy!! I freaked out. I ran a dead sprint to the car screaming & clapping my hands. I was on cloud nine.
I jumped in the back seat & just ohhed & ahhed over everything. They pulled over at the local grocery store so I could drive it home and we stopped at Wendy's on my way home so I could show my best friend. I was freaking out, y'all. I got my dream car.
When we got home, I pretty much had a photo shoot with the car.
*cue embarrassing but hilarious pictures*
My parents got me my dream car for my first car. (I am the luckiest girl in the world to have the parents that I do) The day I got my car, I named it. With a slight obsession with Superman at the time, I dubbed my Xterra, "Clark". Clark has been his name from the get go. I love Clark, like love love y'all.
I write all this to say, that my Clark has had some trouble with his transmission. Sam & I had already been talking about trading one of our SUVs in, so we could save on gas... and we chose Clark because we thought we could get more money out of him. This week has been a "growing up fast" week for Sam & I. We have learned more about insurance, loans, car payments, and budgeting than we ever have. We are buying a new car today & saying good riddance to Clark. I don't wanna give up Clark, I really don't. But this new car is a smart decision and signifies an exciting new chapter of my life, my life with Sam.
More details to come, once we have the keys in our hands and the wind in our hair!