Monday, September 28, 2009

the one where we cha cha.

so. i am a part of a program dealing with women in similar majors. i like it and have met some pretty amazing girls! so we are divided into mentor groups of 2 suites. these mentor groups have programs with their mentor where we can pretty much choose to do anything with our mentor. this is a way to connect and really get to know a lot of girls at the personal level.

my group.. we call ourselves team y-fi. and a few girls from our group planned on going to a social dance lesson. we were all excited and cancelled a lot of plans to do this. we were so pumped.

when we got to the ballroom to have this dancing shindig. only about ten people were there. at first, we were like YES! our own private lessons. then this guy came clacking in the ballroom with his manly high heels or as he called them "silver team dance shoes." :) and he said. "so i guess the email got sent out to late. this session was cancelled." we were so dissapointed. but then like 30 people came pouring in.

how could he possibly turn down 50 people who were ready to put those silver team dance shoes to work??

we won. :) and we cha cha-ed for 90 minutes.

hb and ac. me and sac. mt and ka.

:) im still in love with college.


  1. we're go glad you're getting out....and getting so all THE RIGHT ways! Always make it count! You can teach me and big daddy to Cha Cha next time you come home.

    Love you!

  2. my favorite!!!

    i LOVE to cha cha. I guess it's my favorite after shang but seriously SO much fun. A fun song to cha cha to is "I like the way you move" [i think that's the name] by Outkast.

    so fun!!
