i am thankful for..
my family.
my health.
pumpkin spice lattes.
nail polish.
my roommate.
cold pillie.
modern medicine.
&&& so much more.
thanksgiving is always an amazing reminder of how truly blessed we are. it's sad to think that i forget daily to remind myself of this. only during hard trials or cheerful holidays do i really take the time to daily realize my blessings and understand how much of an ingrate i am. now.. after my break i am starting fresh. i am blessed beyond my own belief and i am going to rejoice in it everyday. for example, for the past 24 hours i have been stressing and studying my brains out for my final human anatomy exam. although, i was completely buried in papers & textbooks about all our bodily systems, i was thankful. thankful for my parents for paying my way at ncsu. thankful for knowledge and ability to learn. thankful for anatomy... for being an awesome reminder of how our body was made with purpose, and everything works because it was made to do so. thankful for jesus because he has provided it all.
break started out with a thanksgiving supper with some of my favorite bible study girls! i am seriously in love with these girls. they are so wonderful. i am very thankful for their huge hearts and ability to demolish a mean turkey dinner. :)
the next day i went to visit one of my best friends. she plays basketball at a small private college & is point blank.. awesome. i met up with a couple of awesome people from back home at the game & we had a blast (mostly thanks for ameila.) i love you kelsey. i am thankful for your athletic self and your drive. (also your red hair.)
of course. we did delicious lunches and suppers on my side and sam's.
i am thankful for family & their unconditional love and support.
followed by black friday shopping. i am thankful for sweet deals and hilarious/crazy moms who have so much stuff in their arms they can't even see in front of them.
i am also thankful for 24 hour food services. thank you ihop for providing energy for the savings ahead!
also on black friday, we went christmas tree shopping. it is one of my favorite traditions! i love going with mom, dad, ash & ryan. it's always so much fun. in this.. i am thankful for traditions, siblings & laughter.

& lastly, i slept. a lot. catching up on sleep was huge for me.
wherever i could lay my head, you can bet it was there whenever a nap was needed (or just wanted).
i am thankful for sleep, and rest in general.
thank you, november. although you have been quick, you have been so good to me. you have set the bar high for december! :) and speaking of a new month.. you know what that means....
NEW MONTHLY GOALS! bringggg onnnnn december!