Wednesday, November 10, 2010

the one where we run outside for the first time.

one of my november goals was to run twice a week. i've been wanting to get into running to help with my deflated cardiovascular system.. and i thought putting it as a monthly goal could push me to finally do it.

so today. i ran. outside. for the first time. at state. now i've ran a couple times on the machines and on the inside track.. but never outside. so since today wasn't too cold or too hot.. i ran in the nice fall air.

i seriously don't know how much i ran.. but i definitely felt accomplished.

especially because as i reached my ending point one of my favorite songs started to play... dave matthew's "ant's marching".

enjoy my performance tune of the day!


  1. Dude! You're crazy! You've lived there for a whole year and a half and never run outside! You MUST run on the other side of Hillsborough St. Through the neighborhoods. They're mostly old and they are fabulous!! I'm SO jealous!

  2. i know! i don't know what's wrong with me.
    and those neighborhoods are GORGEOUS. im definitely going to hit those up soon. :)
