Congrats Siddy!
Congrats Thomas (guy on right).
I absolutely love love love love love love love younglife.
This ministry is so wonderful, unique, creative, intentional, bold, thorough, etc. etc.. I could go on for days.
Its the most amazing ministry I know of I am so thankful for it.
In high school, a friend of my sister's kept asking me to come to YL on Wednesday mornings at 6:30 am. 6:30 in the morning.. midweek? No way. She continued to ask daily and one of my really good friends, Brittany, asked me to come. So I came.. and it was love. It called campaigners. We sat crowded in this home, singing songs and listening to the leader speak the truth of scripture. It was From then I was hooked. As I got more involved with YL I grew insanely close to my leaders, who loved me past the brokenness and just loved me through the template of God's love. They showed me how to live a new life. They show me that a changing heart would change behaviors. I went Sharptop Cove the summer between my freshman and sophomore years. (I have pictures on the computer at home or I would post them). I accepted Christ that summer.. (we called it "stepping into the boat" at STC) & my life has been transformed. I've been given new eyes to see things differently, to love all and unconditionally to all. It was the best decision I have ever made.
this is the campaigner group my senior year.. 6:30 am people, I LOVE YOU!
So you still may be confused about what exactly this ministry is.. I took this from YL's website.
"Young Life doesn't start with a program.. It starts with adults who are concerned enough about kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendships. These relationships don't happen overnight - they take time, patience, trust & consistency. So Young Life leaders log many hours with kids - where they are, as they are. We listen to their stories and learn what's important to them because we genuinely care about their joys, triumphs, heartaches and set backs. We believe in the power of presence. Kids' lives are dramatically impacted when caring adults come alongside them, sharing God's love with them. Because their Young Life leaders believe in them, they begin to see that their lives have great worth, meaning and purpose. This is the first step of a lifelong journey; the choices they make today based upon based upon God's love for them, will impact future decisions.. careers chosen, marriages formed and families raised. All ripples from the time when a Young Life leader took time to reach out and enter their world."
Young Life changed my life..
(we had a flour bomb fight)
My senior year of high school YL needed a boost so a small group of students at my high school (we called ourselves "The Core") got together every week to plan and pray for campaigners and clubs. And clubs were solely ran on students... which is different for YL. It boosted it up and man, was it awesome.
The girls from Core.
When I graduated I got involved with CollegeLife at NCSU. I knew for sure I wanted to be a YL leader.. I never doubted it. Being a leader mean't being crazyyy for your kids, to show them a good time, love on them HARD. All to represent their creator's love for them.. and share the good news with them. :)
Kristie.. one of my YL leaders in high school.
I couldn't wait to love on kids like I had been loved on for four years. I will never forget my YL leaders..
Eric. You are one of the most amazing people I know, thanks for all you've done for me. You have showed me the perfect example of how to live and love like Jesus. You made 6:30am midweek a blast! Thanks for grabbing my shoulders and point blank leading me into the right direction.
Kristie. You are a mess and hilarious. You were never afraid to act like a crazy somebody to show love or prove a point. You have always had really great points when we talk, real talk. Thanks for helping me break down scripture and understanding it.
Will. Thanks for putting up with The Core. We were a crazy group.. but thanks for guiding us through the process of club, campaigners, contact work, & camp. You showed me how to pray out loud for an individual or group.
Yall mean more to me than you could ever know. I love you.
So, I interviewed and I got assigned to an amazing high school. YL was up & coming at the time, so it wasn't huge... yet. :)
Me and some of my girls at the wonderful Windy Gap.
Middle Creek. You are so amazing. I love you so much. You have been imprinted into my heart. I pray for you daily.
Being a leader was amazing.. getting be crazy to show my love was awesome.
Middle Creek leaders.
Mollie, Drew, William (& now Liza!).. I love you guys. You are my heros.
(will had an internship over summer, so couldn't come to camp)
Unfortunately, being a Biology major and severely wanting to pursue a career in medicine of some sort (and some other conflicts), I couldn't handle all the time commitments . Contact work was amazing.. but really difficult at times. Getting research experience, volunteer hours, getting really good grades was also the reason I was at NCSU. So I sadly had to back down from YL at Middle Creek. It was so hard, and I cry EVERY SINGLE TIME I tell this story. So as I wipe my tears, I give you permission to throw a pity party for me. Haha.. just kidding.. kind of.
So...a couple weeks later..the YL girls at my high school was in need of a leader for a weekend at WINDY GAPPP! And I gladly signed up. So anytime ES, you need a leader.. you have my heart always and forever.
Some of the lovely ladies from ESYL :)
also.. YL means DREW && ELLIE HOLCOMB!
the most amazing performers. ever.
they came into our cabin one night to sing us a song! (amazinggg)
some of the new leaders (last year) fro western wake.

I pray daily for this amazing ministry as it continues to blossom. I miss leading so much, and I can't wait to get back into after college. :) I am forever thankful for my YL leaders in Surry, YL leaders in Raleigh/Western Wake.
Sidney & Thomas.. you are about to go on this incredible journey. I pray that you hold on tight.. and embrace in it everyday. You are serving your Lord in the most fun/rewarding way possible.. You are the perfect people for this. Love hard on your kids and teammates. I love you both!
Congrats to Sid and ToMas! will be involved with YL again...I have no doubt about that! and I promise you... I can not wait to see that happen. I know it must have been one of the most difficult things for you put this on hold....but you are still continuing to find ways to make a difference in people's lives....until you can jump back into YL again! No one ever said lofty academic goals would be easy....but you are working so hard to reach them... we are so proud of you...for everything! ILU!
So sweet to encourage your friends when your heart is aching to be involved! I admire you for KNOWING when enough is enough. love you
ReplyDeletethis is an awesome post.
i know how much younglife means to you.
you are an amazing christian &
i agree with your mother i defintily believe you will be back into YL when the time is right.