If you know me at all, you know I love all things vintage. So when an opportunity to go antique shopping presents itself, you can bet your bottom dollar or "your old work boots" that I am going to take advantage of it. First, background story: this past weekend was the NCSHAA Softball State Championship. My high school's softball team was playing for their fourth straight state championship, & since I had some unbelievable experiences in Raleigh in a East Surry uniform.. I had to go & support my girls!
On Saturday morning, the girls didn't have to play until 11, so mom & I got up early and went to one of my favorite places in Raleigh..
After we bought me some pieces to make a bedside table (where I cut my first deal, EVER), a mirror, some sheet music and some skeleton keys... we headed to Walnut Creek to watch these girls bring it home... again. :)
It was so sweet to see these girls experience a whirl of emotions...
Then Coach Hill made his last speech to this season's girls. Telling them that they have been a part of something that has never been done before at our high school.. four. in. a. row.
&& since I am a seasoned state champion, & I was a part of the pre-game speech for the last two games.. (&& ultimately, since there were extra) look what I came home with also...
CONGRATS Lady Cards! You worked so hard for this! You are a part of something major back in P.Mount! I love you girls & so dagum proud of all of you!! :)
I musttttt go to this antique store. must. :)