Friday, September 2, 2011

the one for five years.

So I am in love with a boy & have been since I was 15.  He somehow got my parents to bend the rules of "not dating until you're sixteen" without ever speaking to them.  We stayed together after the first date even though we broke some of those "first date rules": we both planned the date (lots of people told me that was a man's thing - first.. at 16, he's still a boy, & second, geez don't be so strict), I ended up calling him my "boyfriend, sorta" to one of my friends when asked that night, & he kissed me twice.  So we broke a couple rules, but here we are today, exactly five years later -- happy as ever.

First picture of us.. ever.  [Ages 15 & 16].

One of Sam's favorites. [Ages 17& 18]

Most recent picture of us. [Ages 20 & 21].

So on behalf of our 5th dating anniversary.. 
I thought I would post my 5 favorite things about us.
(no particular order)

[one] we hold hands when we pray.
[two] we love to be outdoors & active.
[three] we both are in love with our families (& each others).
[four] we both try to protect each other's hearts at all costs.
[five] we both believe in adventure, change & the power of a good nap.

I am a very happy girl today with a full heart.  I am thankful for Sam & his encouragement throughout my walk with the Lord.  I am thankful for my parents & their support of our relationship.  I am thankful that they too fell in love at a young age (16), allowing them to believe that sometimes (when we get lucky) teenagers get it right.

I love you, Sam.  I am forever grateful for your heart & soul.  I am thankful that you have been in my life for the past 5 years.  You are a daily inspiration of all things & I pray that we continue to pursue one another's hearts.  I know the Lord has some big things in store for us & I can't wait to continue to watch our story unfold.


  1. I wasn't 16, but I was 18 and 36 years later my story is still being written. Teenagers DO sometimes get it right....and God ALWAYS does. Happy five years. Her's to many many many more. Love yall!

  2. happy five years! I dated someone for nearly 6 years, although it didn't work out...I have now found my one love! It seems you two have a great relationship, congrats to you two!!

  3. Happy Anniversary.....I still remember me telling Dad that you had a date and it was before you had turned 16...all he could say was could I say no to Colby Scott?

    They way ya'll still look at each other......

    They way he always protects you....and treats you like you're one in a billion (which you are).....

    The way you still have that silly grin when you talk about him......

    The way you still run and jump on him the minute he walks in the door....

    The way you take care of each other's hearts......

    The way I KNOW he would walk thru fire to get to you on the otherside....

    They way you both put each other first....

    tells me that ya'll do have something special and will last forever if ya';; keep cultivating it the way you are.

    Thanks for bringing him into our lives! We love you....and we love ya'll being together.

    Love Mom....and Dad does feel the same!

  4. so sweet :) Have a very Happy Anniversary!!

  5. I love this :) it is such a sweet post! I can't believe oh Sammy has been apart of our family for five years already. I am so very happy for you both. Keep loving each other for who each of you are and I know you will have many more years of happiness!
