Day Two. The initial plan was be at Freeport, where we would snorkel at 9am, come back on boat to eat lunch and then go explore the island for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, due to rough seas, our big ol' boat was not able to port that day. So we had a "day at sea" as we headed to our next port, Nassau. Of course, all of us were disappointed at first. However, we didn't let that get in the way because it was a beautiful day anyways. We also cheered up when we realized we were up fairly early in "cruise time" so we had first dibs on the best layout chairs! :) Our view was gorgeous and we quickly forgot about our snorkeling cancellation.
The girls and boys in the group split up. Us, ladies, just wanted to lay out and soak up some rays and the boys wanted to wander around.. so we split in order to do our own thing.
you can tell it's the first full day of the cruise by the mass amount of pale white bodies!
Eventually, we all got together as a group to enjoy one another!
&& enjoyed the water slides.

&& ultimately, spent the entire day in the sun!
Day two started out as a fail.. but quickly recovered and turned into a gorgeous day at sea!