Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The one for the month of May.

Goals.  May Goals.  Here we go.

Celebrate Sam's graduation from NCSU!
Celebrate parent's anniversary/brother's birthday.
Take a senior photo shoot.
Move back home.
Rearrange my room at home.
Eat a watermelon.
Read 1 book.
Pray for and plan a bible study for high school girls.


Go through all of my Raleigh clothes & get rid (donate) of the ones I don't wear.
Completely redo the blog.. header, design, colors, maybe self-hosting.

Happy May.

iTunes Tuesday plug.

Do you have any May goals? Let me know!


  1. I know several high school girls that would love for you to do a bible study!

    My goals are similar to yours.....minus a few! :)

    Love you!

  2. I would LOVE to redo my blog! I've been trying to figure out what I want to do - it just spin my wheels though! I bet it will look super cute when you're done :)
