Monday, December 6, 2010

the one at caribou.

over the weekend, i made an earring holder out of a shutter i bought here. with some spray paint, lime wash, a new knob, a white painter's pen & mom's help... this is the final product:

$5 shutter. $2 knob. = $7 twice new gift.

forrrr a dirty santa exchange with these lovely ladies...

a few of my fellow bible study ladies got together at caribou for coffee & gifts.
&& if my bible study leader (left, below), haley, had a blog she would blog about today too.
but she don't. & she needs to start so she can tell people about her life.
haley also does not have a facebook.
she is a devoted & self controlled college student that's for sure. :)
luuhhh her.

i loveee them all, even the ones who didn't get to come.

& it was this girl's birthday! happy birthday, ritaaa.

a relaxed and comfy place to enjoy an amazing cup of coffee with some incredible people.

also, this weekend.. my sweet momma made me and my suitemates this:

uhhhh. incredible? YES! maybe she will fill us in on the details??


  1. What a fun post.....and I should have snatched a piece of that spice cake!

  2. i think everyone of your blogs involves coffee in some way.
    i love it(:
    and you.

    ps. love the earing holder.

  3. now i definitly see the point of the purple shutter kyle told me that you were making on saturday night. now it all makes sense...
    what a great idea!

    im really loving this twice new idea
    more and more the more i hear about it.
