Friday, December 3, 2010

the one without the chia, preferably.

rita and i had one of our coffee dates/discipleship this morning. rita encouraged me to knock off one of my goals early on by ordering a chia latte for my morning brew. i was all for it. this morning we tried out the coffee shop, Reverie. its organic, and so cute. it so cute that it's called "a coffee den" rather than a coffee shop. but anyways i kindly walked up to the counter and ordered:

"good morning. could i have a hot vanilla chai latte, please? great! thank you, sir."

i was so excited. i just knew i was gonna just melt when i first tasted it.
the nice man behind the counter gladly handed me a something like looks like this:
but in a to-go cup.

i was very, very opened minded going into it, knowing it wasn't going to taste like my regular coffee or beloved pumpkin spice lattes.

but honestly (& i hate to say it but...), no thank you. it was so tart and just did not fit my suit. it reminded me of my gingerbread latte from starbucks i got last season (which was no bueno, my friends.)

my goal was to try & in that i succeed greatly. & i am perfectly okay with that. :)
on to focus on my next goal.. painting my fingernails a jolly color!

1 comment:

  1. I could have TOLD you that was a nasty try...but then you couldnt have marked it off your list of things to try! :)
