Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the one for slightly less-than-amazing mornings.

How can you wake up to this & not have an amazing morning?

Well, it's easier than you thought. This morning wasn't my best.

I forgot my giant IKEA bag in my car (from the weekend) that had my makeup, straightener, jeans, gray vans.. pretty much everything I needed to be presentable this day. I set my alarm 15 minutes early this morning to go down & get it. First off, I woke up 5 minutes late. Making me ultimately 20 minutes behind what I originally set out to be. So I throw my little 2 second fit for oversleeping and then metamorphosis to an adult in order to actually start my day.

So I get my bag, head back towards the dorm.. and realized I completely forgot my keys to the building! Ughh. Flustered, I went to the 24-hour desk and asked if they could just let me in the building - I could get my roommate to let me in the suite. But no, I had to fill out a request for temporary keys... which took 5-10 minutes. & of course you know how I do, I look a hot mess in my snowflake pajamas & high school basketball sweatshirt.

Finally, I get up to my room. I get myself ready. Overcook my bowl of oatmeal & forget to change the K-cup in my Keruig coffee maker. So I have super dry oatmeal & hot day-old coffee to turn my day around.. great!

Well. Before I leave my room, I sent a little prayer out. Not to make the day better, but to not take this morning at face value. If I did, my day would be completely miserable. Tuesdays are my really tough days, I go hard from 8am-10pm. I prayed for strength to be optimistic about all that comes on this long day.

&&&& a song came onto my iPod on my way to class.
&&&& since it's itunes tuesday, you know I'm gonna share it with ya.

This song is beautiful, and help me become more optimistic about today, and tomorrow and the next hundred days! And John Mayer is just simply wonderful for the eyes & ears. :)

don't forget to pause music below.

Now to return to the world of Chemistry & Physics! Yahooo!


  1. oh my..
    while reading this is tought to myself wow she couldnt have a worst morning and to my surprise it kept getting worse.
    at least you to look forward to a better morning tomorrow (:

  2. well I have to say you look pretty cute in the picture(:
    so even though you may have been behind schedule.
    you looked good girl(:

    miss you.

  3. Love your perspective! Off to have a great day!!!

  4. if it makes you feel any better, you still look beautiful when you're running late and flustered(:

  5. Not all mornings start off a beautiful as you are.....but find the moments that make it better.

  6. I really needed to hear this song today.. Thanks Court! And I hope you have an awesome week! Miss ya

  7. Thanks yall!

    & Chloe this song should be heard daily. It is soo good & such a nice reminder that better things are yet to come. :)
