Wednesday, January 26, 2011

the one from the splenda lunch box.

This past week has been really busy. Going back & forth between my room & classes multiple times seemed too tiring. So I started packing either my breakfast or lunch...

The first day I made an Eggo & peanut butter sandwich, and I put it in a plastic bag to take to class. When I got to class, the person beside me said Did you just put peanut butter in a plastic bag? Well of course I didn't, craze, but it really did look it like it. My sandwich was squished and the peanut butter oozed from the sides and smeared all around the bag.

I decided I needed to invest in a sandwich container &/or a lunch box to keep my sandwiches intact. Like I said yesterday, Tuesdays are my hardest days of the week, so I didn't have time to run to the nearest Walmart or Target.

So what are you gonna do? Improv.

I used a Splenda box to put my sandwich, banana & almonds in.
To keep them safe from all the evil notebooks, textbooks, planners & laptops who have a mission to squish them until they are nothing put pancakes. :)

I'm wonderfully weird, I know.

Anyways. I need your advice.
I need to get a lunchbox that keeps stuff cold..
but doesn't take up a lot of room in my book bag.
Name brand or store suggestions?


  1. i got a little one from thirty one.
    the big ones are TOO big for my taste but the smaller one is just right.

    if you dont know any consultants.
    mrs. bruner is one.
    yeah I love mine.

  2. thirty one lunchboxes=wonderful(:

  3. yes i have thirty one also.
    i love the big ones though.
    i like the roominess and i eat a lot.

  4. we definitely need to get you taken care of! :)
