Sunday, January 2, 2011

the one to welcome january 2011.

a couple weeks ago, my mom asked me what my plans were on new year's eve. i didn't have any, so she asked if i would babysit her friend's 5 year old and her friend's 3 year old. i wasn't thrilled but i wasn't too upset either (other than that fact that sam would have to spend new year's alone). but as soon after my mom texted her back with a "YES!" she replied back saying i was more than welcomed to bring sam along too. ahh, all better. :)

so i spent new year's eve with these guys.

sam & the "ghost hunters."

they were the most fun kids ever. they were smart, wild, loving, caring, & hilarious.

we had a great time. eventually, the ghost hunters got worn out leaving sam & i to watch all the new year's eve programs on t.v. before the infamous ball dropping. it was a good time. good company. good money too! i was thrilled to be able to welcome the new year with sam!

so let's get down to business. new year. new month. new goals.

january goals.
  • finish my book, Martyrs, i got from santa.
  • try more vegetables.
  • play up my normal uniform (solid color tee, jeans, converses & scarves)
  • make a to-do list each week.
  • use 1 corinthians for my daily devotional.
  • enjoy turning 20!
  • take my first children's shoot.
  • take at least two group exercises each week.
  • make a new header for my blog.
  • go to bed earlier.
  • call my brother & sister more.
i have high expectations for you, january!


  1. sounds like it was fun(:

    btw, i need to discuss with you the guy who took your senior pictures!

  2. so fun!

    you should look at Heather's blog. She's doing a 1st Corinthians study right now.

  3. i know it! i am so excited. she is kind of the reason why i am doing that.
