Friday, February 18, 2011

the one at home.

This weekend I am home.
Ahhh.  Just the most relaxing feeling, sensation from just breathing in this country air.
At this very moment, on this beyond beautiful day I am listening to the outside speakers singing sweet sounds of  the Oldies & 80's as I have the view of

a rusty, vintage dump truck, a barn, a dog that is so relaxed he looks gone, and a hammock.

disclaimer: sorry.. these aren't high quality, I just used my camera on my Mac.

 I also have to view to my right of a garage and a basketball goal.

&& looking a little further I have the view of horses, and Pilot Mountain. 

Although I am drowning in Chemistry Webassigns right now, looking around is just enough to relax me.  I love cities, I mean love them!  But something about all these trees, how the breeze run it's fingers through my hair, how the sun hits each grass blade so eloquently, how slowly all the garage doors get filled, and how excited I get knowing my mom is cooking tonight.  No more railroads blowing across late at night, no two bowls of cereal for supper, no locking my bedroom door, no shower shoes.  I am thankfully away this weekend.  Resting in the gorgeous atmosphere I get the blessing to call home.  

See you guys Monday!


  1. there really is nothing like being home.

  2. so...I sat here and looked and looked and looked and was like THIS IS NOT RIGHT!
    That is NOT where the barn is in location to the boulder!

    That is not the way the house looks


    That is NOT the way the pasture faces either....

    so for some reason I reread and saw that....
    this was taken from your computer..
    Now it all makes sense as to why it is flipped backwards.

  3. ohhh & poor chess looks dead as a door nail =(
    that is the first this I noticed when your pictures popped up.......
