Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the one with chocolate milk.

Home is the only place I will drink chocolate milk.

When I was little, chocolate milk was all I would drink.  I absolutely loved it.  As I have guess & checked my way to certain brands or ways of making it, I have settled on a bunch over the years.  But now, as a 20 year old, I still gladly & proudly drink my chocolate milk.  I absolutely love it.  But there is only ONE way I like it.

When I was at home over break, I had a glass right before bed most nights.
&& I made a tutorial of a trick that helps you fall asleep quick!

1% or 2% milk.

A giant mug or glass.

Not just tall, but really wide.

&& the good old fashioned trick... Nesquik.

&& finally my secret weapon...  a bendy straw.

Dorky post, but I took all this pictures over break for some reason.. and I needed something to do with them before they got trashed.

Do you like chocolate milk?


  1. cute post (:
    but i do not like milk at all..
    i would fall apart at the age of 35 if it wasnt for calcium supplement vitamins!

  2. I drink chocolate milk every single day.
    at least once.
    usually two or three times.
    mmmmm I love love love it.

  3. remember when you used to have to share your half gallon of chocolate milk with me?!! then you mom started buying an extra when she heard the kelley girl was coming over for the weekend :) - YOSHI!
