Monday, November 14, 2011

the one where...

It's a hard week and a half ahead of me.. but Im ready to take it on!  Im coming off a very restful weekend at home.. where we shagged outside while grilling (& forgetting about the burning mushrooms inside)... where fires were built & homemade chicken n' dumplins were served.. where we watched movies in our pj's & tried a new breakfast recipe.

&& where we witnessed the golden light of the sun hit soy bean fields so gloriously.

&& right now I am obsessed with the music of Ray LaMontagne... so go youtube or pandora him or something.  His music is perfect for this fall weather.  He is part of the recipe for a happy, productive Monday.

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh i love when you're home...and near the soybean fields! :) Love you! Love the picture!
