Monday, December 5, 2011

the one born in a stable.

So I had a long Thanksgiving post planned in my head.. but it is being pushed to the side by the frustration I have with my camera right now.  When I try to upload some of the pictures.. it says there is an error and the pictures look really blurry. :( Sad news.  But anyway.. I'll figure it out - in the mean time, I changed cards in my camera and I can easily upload the pictures our Christmas decorations and of Christmas morning at Joby's Bed & Breakfast!

First off, I found this saying on Pinterest, and decided to make it a little more rustic.  With the help of my dad & sister, this is what we came up with.  I think it is so profound and really adds to the Christmas spirit in our house!

We are ready for Christmas at Joby's!

Yesterday morning, my roomies & I planned our Christmas exchange.  We got up early, started brewing the coffee, finding the right Christmas Pandora station, and started cooking a big ol' breakfast that included Flying Biscuit's grits, bacon, eggs, and blueberry breakfast cake.

Then we reveal our Secret Santa's!
Jenn started all of us off on a fun foot.. we had clue which reveal where our gifts could be found!  They were precious! :)

&& then we just started exchanging our bigger & smaller gifts! I feel like we all did so well! It was so much fun and I love, love, love all of my stuff.  My roomies know me so well.

Sarah & Jenn were each other's Secret Santa's...

&& Liza & I were each other's Secret Santa's.

our DIY projects for one another!

I just love these girls so very much.  They mean more to me than I can express!  I am very thankful for them & their heart for sweet baby Jesus.

So, then we took showers, & went to an amazing church service.  

&& then came home...

to this...

The Christmas tornado had hit hard.  Which in turn makes for an incredible Christmas morning.

Again,  I love my girls.  I love living with them..  
We are just a happy ol' family living in a sweet little ol' home.

Merry Christmas, y'all!