I love New Year's. It is the perfect excuse for change. It enhances our vocabulary to words like potential, capable, risk, commitment, give, love. It provides us with the opportunity to realize what we stand for and we want to stand for. It's a time to make goals & expect more from yourself. Wait, did someone just say goals?
First, let's talk December.
Isaiah 9:6 & 1 Thessalonians 5:23
2012 goals...
Write more thank you notes // send more letters
Read 5 books
Go on a cruise
Train && run a half marathon
Pray more specifically
Donate clothes
Take a weekend trip with Sam
Ween myself off the snooze button
Commit to a workout schedule
Volunteer somewhere
Cook, cook, cook, cook some more!
So there are my 12 goals for the year of 2012... I feel like there is a difference in resolutions and goals. I think resolutions are more personal, spiritual, life-changing commitments. My friend Mollie wrote her New Year's Resolution.. && I think it is completely beautiful. Im thinking Im gonna take on this resolution as well!
For New Years.. Sam & I hung low. No big shin dig. No family get-together. Just us. && it was so much fun. We cooked supper together, we face-timed his sister, brother-in-law & nephews, watched a couple episodes of the Walking Dead & then watched the ball drop. :) Simple. Low key. Very much us.

Along with my yearly goals... I am going to continue to have monthly goals. I am hoping that is year is a year of challenge. I wanna push myself, & remind myself of how capable I am. So here we go..
January 2012 Goals
[one] buy a lavender chamollie candle && take a bubble bath
[two] ride my new bike every week & weekend!
[three] update my blog header
[four] knock out one of the 5 books for 2012
[five] try a new recipe or restaurant
[six] celebrate my 21st birthday
Here's to new challenges! Happy New Year's! Let's see what ya got, 2012.
Love that ya'll had a simple...just ya'll...kind of New Year's Eve. Some of the best times.....should include.....just you two.
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy and I enjoyed the same....except I slept on the couch while he slept in his chair....simple, just us....and very low key....and i wouldnt have changed it in any way except maybe watching the ball drop....we woke up 4 mins afterwards. :)
Great post...New years Goals/Resolutions are so important to me. I to set three for me, but after reading this...I think I'll set a few more goals for this year, Like 9. I may use a few of your ideas.
ReplyDeleteOne of your goals should be get a gun and learn how to use it...Now that you are watching The Walking Dead. The CDC even says that we all should be prepared for a Zombie Apocalypse. Look up EDC. Things you may need on you adventures in life.
Happy New Year
And we Love You!
You challenge me to make a list of goals! Thanks!