New dorm. New roommate. New suite mates. Way exciting.

this is my roommate, sac.
she is super active... runs triathlons and marathons.
she is also hilarious.
and shares the same love for the show, friends! :)
here are some pictures of my new buds:
hb. and ac.
suite mates. across the hall.
they just bought a futon..
so they decided to take advantage of sac's structural engineering major.

this is er.
she is not a suite mate... but on the same hall.
super friendly...
we went to the 10 o'clock student movies with her roommate, mt, last night.
well.. i still have to introduce you to my suite mates: ka, bm and my RA.
and lots of others but i need to take pictures of them first.
soon to come!
So... I moved into my dorm on Thursday and Sam moved in today. Fir
st off.. this is my bed and lounge area:

Pretty decent, eh? Well before Sam and his lovely family came today to move him in.. it was SEVEN inches taller. I would have to do like an army crawl to get on and off my bed. And even though its my third day in my new dorm... that got really old. I couldn't even sit on it.. so my dad told Sam to tell his dad my tragic story. So therefore, Sam's dad came today and helped my cut some of it off. :)

Here are some pictures of Sam's move in:

this is sam and his room mate, jm.
jm is from home.
and is the mascot at our school - which is insanely neat.
sam and me.
both exhausted from heat and the art of moving in.

sam's dad.
on the new bunk.
their room is huge.