A couple of celebrations have happened over the past several weeks and they are all worth mentioning on my sweet little blog.
Celebration #1: Some weeks ago my sweet roomie, Liza, celebrated her 22nd birthday! She spent her birthday weekend at Windy Gap and then came home to balloons, chicken casserole & a couple gifts relating to her beloved tea.
Liza is fun. She loves trivia, useless information & figuring stuff out. So we decided to create a small scavenger hunt for her birthday. At each clue there was a small gift & then her final clue lead her back to our house where me & my other 2 roomies set up "Joby's Spa". We wore black tanks with black leggings. We put on Spa Pandora Station. We spoke softly and catered her to a homemade facial & pedicure.

Celebration # 2: I love me some blonde boys. I've been sitting for a family of
two blondes for almost 2 years now. It is the same family that
lost their dad about 3 weeks after I started sitting for them. I have grown incredibly close with my boys (& their mom) && love them all something fierce. This semester has been a little different from the past three... as I only sit for the younger, Will. Well John, the older of the two, has struggled a little more with the loss of his sweet dad. Through hours of prayer and advice, his mom decided to send John to a camp to help little fellas, like John, have deep-seeded issues that they can't seem to bring to the forefront. Therefore, John is gone weeks at a time. From me being at home this summer and then John leaving for camp, I hadn't seen the boy in 4 months!! I was getting a little stir crazy to see my little genius. Finally, when I was back in Raleigh, it was one of the weekends that John was allowed to come home. We set up a date to have lunch together && it was the
best lunch ever! I picked his sweet little brain & found out that at his camp, he is completely in his element. Camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, bonfires, outdoors galore!
After lunch, we had a bubble blowing contest & a mini photoshoot in my car. What a celebration that hour on Friday was. I've missed him too much. I love my sweet John.
Celebration # 3: My dear friend,
Amelia, is getting married!!! Over Labor Day weekend, I shared in a Bridal Shower for Milly hosted by her sisters & it was so much fun. We ate at the 4th Street Filling Station & celebrated our girl with cake, gifts & laughs. I am so excited to REALLY celebrate her in a couple weeks! :)
My life is so blessed with opportunities to celebrate with the people I love.